Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hattie and Fern, Part 2: Infuriating Fern

I'm finally back with the second part of the Hattie and Fern saga!  This took way longer than I expected.  My plan for Fern seemed pretty simple when I first started, and I suppose the ease of Hattie's makeover had buoyed me with unrealistic optimism, but for whatever reason I figured Fern would be done in two days--maybe three.  That didn't happen.  Instead, things with Fern got complicated right from the start.

Good thing she's so cute:

My Twinn Emma doll from 1999.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hattie and Fern, Part 1: Happy Hattie

I've been a little slow with my doll work this month.  It's always a crazy time of year with back-to-school and all of the chaos that comes with that, but this year has seemed especially hectic.  In addition,  I have two smaller, theme-based collections that I'm planning out, and these are taking a lot of my creative time.

And...I rescued a baby mouse that was trying to die in my basement, so he took a bit of time. :)

Anyway, for the past two weeks I've been working on a lovely pair of dolls that I bought months and months ago.  Even though these girls were from completely different sources, and arrived at completely different times, they immediately looked like they'd been friends forever:

Denver-era My Twinn dolls Helen (left) and Emma (right).