My next collection of dolls is coming together, and I wanted to post a brief introduction to this group before I start sharing individual dolls.
The focus of this collection is a group of four fairies. Each fairy will represent a different season of the year, and each will be wearing a glorious custom-made outfit by the talented Julie Kelly of
Fairy Tale Blessings. I've had so much fun collaborating with Julie over the last few months, and I hope you'll take a moment to check out her beautiful Etsy shop.
The idea for these dolls was inspired by Maggie, a friend from the blog who manages to see a little bit of fairy magic in every doll I work on. Thank you for the inspiration and support, Maggie!
In addition to the four main dolls, there will also be a duo of fairies wearing dresses by a different artist, and three Grab Bag Girls wearing some of the lovely non-custom outfits that I bought from the Fairy Tale Blessings Etsy store.
While you're waiting for the first fairy to land, I thought I'd show you how the four season fairies looked before I started working on them. They're a pretty rag-tag bunch, I'll admit, but I see great potential in those pixie faces!
From left, in back: a 2001 Ariel and a 1997 Kelsey
From left, in front: a 2003 Danielle and a 2002 Denika |