Monday, February 3, 2020

Gold and Silver

One of the final two fairies is complete, so I thought I'd give a little introduction here before she makes her debut!

These two fairies represent silver and gold.  I originally planned to have their outfits designed and made by a new artist, but that artist sews for human babies, and unfortunately her dresses didn't work for My Twinn dolls very well.  Still, there's a happy ending because Julie from Fairy Tale Blessings stepped in, worked her magic, and made these two sprites some absolutely lovely dresses!

The idea with these fairies is that they will deliver some of the charm of the seasonal fairies, but for about half the cost.  The silver fairy is a 2003 Audrey and the gold fairy is a 2002 Michelle.  Here's a "before" shot of the two of them together:

A 2003 pale My Twinn Audrey and a 2002 My Twinn Michelle.

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